Obstrukcia x Stalin invites: Rohony & Kewu
Obstrukcia, Rohony, Kewu, ODM

22. 7. 2021 19:00
Praha 7, Letenské sady Praha 7, 170 00 Praha 7, Česko
Obstrukcia x Stalin invites: Rohony & Kewu
First evening of curated series focused on blending borders between known but hardly-ever-connected genres.
Initial belter on the way with two core members of Prague's notorious Addict Rave crew.
Observing young rap talent Rohony conquering local scene is just like watching Mesut Özil in Ludogorets once again. Owning the field and leaving mark everywhere he appears.
Supported by the ever lasting talent Kewu, offering the widest selection around. A fresh breeze.
See you on on the hill.
Rohony https://open.spotify.com/artist/3FgZ0agsmQ50Y9VflHdcio
Kewu https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/iqaZX
Obstrukcia https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/5k6ZB